In the framework of BLUE_BOOST project, Blue Hackathon – the first “marathon” of sustainable innovation in Friuli Venezia Giulia dedicated to the sea was held in Trieste on 18 and 19 June 2019, at Stazione Marittima in Trieste.
Blue Hackathon was a hands-on experience where entrepreneurs and innovators had the chance to work and compete in multidisciplinary teams during 2 days in order to find a creative solution for “innovation challenges” in the fields of:
- Environment & Costal Protection,
- Smart Shipbuilding,
- Maritime Transport & Yachting Services.
The event gathered representatives from the Micro, Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (MSMEs), Start-ups and Knowledge Providers: students, researchers, developers, entrepreneurs, R&D experts, and other subjects active in the world of Blue Growth and innovation. Within the framework of Blue Hackathon, the multidisciplinary teams, guided by expert mentors, competed for a better chance to answer to the presented challenges, to pitch their solutions and contribute, with creative ideas, to the sustainable growth of Blue economy. The competition brought about interesting and innovative ideas. The winning team for the challenge of Maritime transport & yachting services developed a project with the name “e-Unlimited”, proposing solutions for sustainable mobility and improvement of services to boat owners.
Furthermore, a multidisciplinary laboratory and info day on the development of project proposals in the framework of the BLUE_BOOST Call for Innovation Vouchers took place during Blue Hackathon, providing more information about the Call that is offering 350.000 EUR in the form of innovation vouchers to 35 selected MSMEs and Start-Ups for implementing innovation projects together with a registered Knowledge Provider.
Blue Hackathon was organised by the Central European Initiative in cooperation with ARIES, MareFVG and OGS, as a part of the “innovation coaching path” of the BLUE_BOOST project.